Seishonen Ryoko Village is a place atop a high piece of land in Yamizo Prefectural Nature Park where visitors can see the far-off Nasu Highlands and Nikko Mountains as well as the fresh waters of the Naka River flowing down below.On the site are trees such as Japanese and sawtooth oak. There are tons of interesting insects to see in summer like dragonflies, cicadas, stag beetles and rhinoceros beetles. The village has all the camping equipment you need as well as tennis courts, making it a popular spot for school clubs and other groups.
- 【Address】
- 1702,Koguchi Nakagawa-machi Nasu-gun Tochigi-ken
- 【TEL】
- 0287-92-3351
- 【Expressway entrance】
- Tohoku Expressway Yaita-Interchange
【Traffic】 From Utsunomiya IC, it is a car and is 60 minutes. From the city area in Bato, it is a car and is 10 minutes.
- Cookhouse
- Cottage
Spot position