The Former Villa of Aoki Shuzo, who served as ambassador to Germany, foreign minister and ambassador to the United States, had this Western style vacation house built on the farm he managed. It has been designated as one of Japan's important cultural properties.On display on the first floor of the building are records from Aoki Shuzo's day as well as records concerning Mazugasaki Tsumunaga (who designed the villa) and people involved in the development of Nasunogahara.Fields of flowers spread out next to the villa, where visitors can enjoy different kinds of flowers in every season of the year.
- 【Address】
- 27,Aoki Nasushiobara-shi Tochigi-ken
- 【TEL】
- 0287-63-0399
- 【Expressway entrance】
- Tohoku Expreesway Nasu-Interchange
【Opening hours】 9:00 - 16:30 (Summer season - 17:30) 【Closed】 Mondays (The following day in case of falling on a national holiday) and 29th December - 3rd January 【Fees】 Adult 200 yen Child 100 yen
- Entrance
- Front